I finally decided that all the music that I have written over the years is doing no good collecting bit-dust on a hard drive. So, I have been working to compile like-minded songs, remix them where possible, and remaster them in all cases to get everything sounding nice and consistent. I have decided to name the series "Immutable Past" to reflect both the fact that in many cases I literally cannot change the songs due to software incompatibility and the sentiment of not being able to change the artistic intent experienced years ago. The distance of time has finally made me appreciate all of the music and I hope that by releasing it, someone else might enjoy it too.
All told it has worked out to 7(!) albums, each with a very different sound, ranging from downtempo/IDM, to house, techno, noise, ambient, and everything in between. Together with longtime music collaborator Nick Rossi, we have started putting out the releases on the newly formed Moot Atlas Records via our Bandcamp page and also on basically all streaming platforms. At the time of writing, 3 volumes have been released so far and the remaining ones are nearing completion. In the future we will also (finally!) release some of our music as Ricky the Steamboat, as well as Nick’s own projects.
Please do check it out and enjoy!