Brandon Invergo

Release of paperq 1.2.2

EDIT: Note that another quick bugfix release, 1.2.3, was released shortly after this post was made. You should definitely install paperq 1.2.3.

I’m pleased to announce the release of paperq 1.2.2. This is a bug-fix release.

paperq is a simple command-line tool for managing a reading queue, aimed primarily for use with academic literature. It nicely formats bibliographic information contained in BibTeX files. paperq supports the basic expected features like adding/removing files to/from the queue, opening the next file in the queue, and operating on items further back in the queue. It also handles printing documents and creating archives (gzipped tarballs) of the queue. It is aimed at researchers who want a simple solution to keeping track of a digital pile of papers to be read, but who don’t want to deal with massive, clunky, proprietary solutions. I use it to great effect in combination with cb2bib for bibliography metadata extraction/search and org-mode for note-taking.

This release includes fixes for bugs when handling an empty queue and for displaying bibliographic information for articles with single authors (the biology articles that I read typically have many authors, so I completely missed this!). It also permits the customization of the command used to print documents (by default, just lp %s). See the NEWS file for more information.

You can download the latest release here. You can verify that the download is legit by also downloading the associated signature file and running gpg --verify paperq-1.2.2.tar.gz.sig on it.
